Thank You To Our Current Sponsors!

Over the three days of the convention you will have numerous opportunities to speak directly with over 200 attendees. In addition to hearing from Montana’s conservation leaders, you also have the opportunity to attend educational breakout sessions, speakers, and banquet events. We have several sponsorship categories that may be of interest to you.
Sponsorship Tiers
Platinum Sponsor $5,000
- Three full Convention registrations (includes MACD Banquet)
- Exhibitor table in premium location
- Fifteen minute speaking opportunity during breakfast or lunch
- Logo featured on Convention website (with link), promotional materials, printed program, and banner at event
- Recognition from MACD at Welcome Reception and Banquet
- Full page acknowledgement of your organization in printed program
Diamond Sponsor $2,500
- Two full Convention registrations (includes MACD Banquet)
- Exhibitor table with priority placement
- Logo featured on Convention website, printed program, and banner at event
- Half page acknowledgement of your business or organization in printed program
Gold Sponsor $1,000
- One full Convention registration (includes MACD Banquet)
- Exhibitor table with priority placement
- Logo featured on Convention website, printed program, and banner at event
- Quarter page acknowledgement of your business or organization in printed program
Silver $500
Break Sponsor
- One Convention registration (does not include MACD Banquet)
- Exhibitor table
- Logo featured on Convention website, printed program, and banner at event
- Additional signage placed at snack table during one break
Copper $350
Exhibitor Sponsor
- One Convention registration (does not include MACD Banquet)
- Exhibitor table
- Logo featured on Convention website, printed program, and banner at event
Conservation Supporter $100
Print Sponsor
- Name featured on Convention website, printed program, and banner at event